Transcription, Translation, Tech/Customer Support

Transcribe Audio To Text
Get Transcribed - Audio to text transcription and video captioning service for business, academic and personal needs.
Quicktate - Create audio notes by dictating into your favorite Evernote app or by calling (888) 222-NOTE and Quicktate will accurately convert your audio. They pay 1/4 to 1/2 cent per word depending on the audio type (General or Medical).
Scribie - Fast growing online audio transcription service. Pays $1 per 6 minutes of audio transcription.
SpeechInk - SpeechInk offers you the opportunity to earn money doing audio transcription jobs in your spare time. Transcription is done through Amazon's Mechanical Turk.

Lingosaur - Get an instant quote for your translation job, order in seconds. Translate to/from Finnish, English, Swedish and Russian among many other languages. - Get paid for translations.
TRADUguide -Translation buyers can quickly ask for price quotes from translation service.
Translatorsbase - The leading source of online translation jobs for freelance translators. Outsourcers can post a project and obtain free quotes for translations.
TranslatorsCafe - Free database of over 1300 translation agencies and freelance translators.
Translators Town - Directory of translators and translation jobs. Covering over 130 languages.
Translator | Gengo - Become a Gengo translator and gain access to translation jobs giving you flexible income and the opportunity to improve your skills. Sign up for free.

 Tech Support
Arise - Provide customer service (phone, web and email support and sales for 40+ companies in their network) and get paid!

WorkingSOL - Get paid to handle tech support for a large corporation.


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